Your client or donor is ready to sell her business but faces looming tax issues. What if she could use accumulated goodwill to convert taxable ordinary income assets into capital gains taxed assets? That could lead to significant tax savings on the sale of business assets while helping her favorite charity!
Join the Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council community and Randy A. Fox, CFP®, AEP®, author of Charitable Planning CSI Style – Goodwill Hunting, to hear about charitable donations of goodwill, and how they can be used to reduce your client’s taxable income. Randy’s presentation will last about 50 minutes, with the opportunity to ask questions afterwards.
Randy is the founder of Two Hawks Consulting, LLC, and is the editor in chief of the Planned Giving Design Center, a national newsletter and website for philanthropic advisors. He is a nationally known wealth strategist, philanthropic estate planner, educator and speaker, and has a personal goal to help facilitate $10B in charitable gifts before retirement.
We anticipate one hour of substantive CLE credit (distance learning) for Pennsylvania attorneys.
Members of the Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council and the following allied professional organizations may attend for free. Please check with your chapter for the registration code.
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Our membership and program committees are looking for your feedback on how we can improve our programs and your membership experience. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey at
At our July 26, 2022 event, board member Jack Owen shared a recent Tax Court case where a donor lost a $400K plus charitable tax deduction due to a charity's failure to include certain language in the "contemporaneous written acknowledgment" as required in the tax substantiation rules. You can read more about the matter and learn how your charity can avoid similar outcomes by visiting our Legislative Affairs page.
While the Pittsburgh Planned Giving Council has had a Job Listings page for many years, we've implemented a few changes to make it more user friendly for both candidates and employers. The job listings were previously entered manually for each posting in a simple list. No more! Each listing now has it's own standalone page which can support a short 2-3 paragraph summary of the position and include links to job descriptions or applications. We can even include a logo!
Even more exciting, we've set up a dedicated email list to keep jobseekers automatically informed when new jobs are posted. No more waiting around until our next newsletter goes out--new job postings are sent out at 8 AM EST each weekday to list subscribers. No more wondering whether your job has been posted. Now you will know! We hope that these enhancements will be valuable to both job seekers and job posters. Let us know what you think!
Pittsburgh Planned Giving CouncilPO Box 14852Pittsburgh, PA 15234
For the past several years, we have partnered with the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners to administer our local membership dues. We have now transitioned dues administration back to our local chapter. To join or renew your membership, visit
Longtime PPGC chapter administrator, Sarah Poweska, has left to pursue other opportunities. During her tenure, she was instrumental in helping the council function smoothly including handling membership, coordinating chapter events and the Emerging Philanthropy Conference, preparing newsletter communications (such as this one) and maintaining our website. She has been an invaluable contributor and we wish her luck in the future. In her absence, several board members will be "stepping up" to handle her many different tasks. You may still utilize the email address to contact us, but there may be some delays in responding. We appreciate your patience. * 412-206-1447