Title: RIFT: Major Developments – Strategies Moving Forward
Date: August 15, 2024
Time: 1:00 p.m. ET
Cost: Free, but registration is required
The August Advocacy Update will provide the latest information on significant developments with the RIFT project. Guest presenters Johni Hays and Iowa state representative Bill Gustoff will present an overview of the challenges and resources available to organizations and discuss recent initiatives on the state level. Iowa recently passed HF 2366, which provides a new tool for achieving timely distributions while avoiding some of the overburdensome administrative measures placed on charities by some financial institutions. Learn more about this new advocacy front and the potential opportunities it brings for change.
Register online at https://charitablegiftplanners.org/august-15-2024-advocacy-update-0
Pittsburgh Planned Giving CouncilPO Box 14852Pittsburgh, PA 15234
office@ppgc.net * 412-206-1447